We are ending the last days of 2018 with a gift for you.
In fact, the gift is only a gift if we use it and I hope you take 10 minutes just for yourself and enjoy it. Come on, let me explain how it came about and what it is:
Sometimes I design exercises and dynamics for our workshops and I am often enormously surprised by the results. Some techniques applied to a particular group work without much fuss and for others it works like a game changer, great learnings! And here I share with you a simple exercise that if done with heart and total presence could be one of your greatest gifts for 2019, it depends on you!
"Wheel of Life" - we divide life into several areas and you rate yourself from 1 to 10 - where 1 is the minimum level of satisfaction and 10 is the maximum in each area of your daily life. Practice looking at yourself with love and not that of an "executioner". The goal is to create a moment in which we can look at ourselves objectively. This way it will be easier to follow future practical steps.
Check out an example of how important and powerful this tool is as long as we are committed and attentive along the way. See what “Maria” wrote to us:
"When I started evaluating my well-being in different areas of life, I realized that if I could, I would give my family relationships (me and my daughters) an 11... and I somehow got dragged into the meeting in Geneva because I am embroiled in a complicated divorce that is sapping all my strength. I feel so tired that the only route I take is from home to work and from work to home. I have had to work a lot harder to maintain a standard that is at least not that far from what my daughters had before the divorce.
When I analyzed my wheel of life, I realized that all is not lost. I was only focusing on the hardest things and forgetting the good things. I saw that there are other areas besides my intimate relationships that need and should be complimented. Oh... and the practice of gratitude and forgiveness was the biggest cry at home. I wrote to them saying I was infinitely grateful to have them as daughters and asked for forgiveness for "being myself" and not seeing them grow up these past years. When they heard my need for forgiveness, they cried with me and reminded me that they are so happy with me and how we are growing together! It was really worth it! Thank you for teasing me!"
Take 5 to 10 minutes to fill out your Wheel of Life. Mark your well-being and satisfaction in each area represented.
ES – Writing
Write about anything that comes to mind, both in terms of the areas of greatest and least satisfaction. Did you know that writing is healing? Yes, when we write, we organize our ideas better. Research at the University of Texas by Professor James Pennebaker and his colleagues shows us that physical health improved and stress levels dropped significantly when patients shared their stories, whether written or verbal - Source: The Courage to be Imperfect Brené Brown.
PER – Forgiveness
In this writing process, try to address three situations in your life for which you feel the need to forgive yourself. We unconsciously store many not so positive impressions and it can be liberating to look at them and clarify them.
SEGRA – Be grateful
To conclude the exercise, write about three events in 2018 that brought you joy and that you are truly grateful for experiencing. Gratitude calms us down and reminds us that we can and should pay attention to the cool things that happen along the way.
– Do you want to download the “Wheel of Life”? Register your email address and enter the text “Wheel of Life” in the message and you will receive yours!
I hope you enjoy discovering it and please share it with us. This exchange of experiences will strengthen our joint work.